Attn: Service Based Entrepreneurs / Coaches

How to become a "Category of One": Your Secret Weapon to Stand Out Uniquely and Profit

even if you've struggled to breakthrough

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Testimonials and financial estimates represent the best students and their results. Results can and will vary from person to person. There is no guarantee of results or being hired.

These results can be yours too...

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Tracy Testimonial

"I have been working with Patty... Its been one of the best decisions I have ever made in my business.

She works at both levels, so she's fantastic at high-level strategy... And she also can go work at the another level which is providing depth. So I just love the fact that we can go operate at both level. She has helped me transform my business... She's fun to work with, she's great, I trust her..."

Georgie Beames, Leading Weight Loss Surgery Psychologist

"A big Thank you to Ms. Patty Dominguez...The one thing that Patty has done was bringing back the investment of working with her...

Patty has helped me to nail my message, to get out to the world and share my gifts in the most expansive and helping the most amount of people that I have ever helped in the past has changed my life...

This has been life-changing!"

Alma Barrero, Style and Empowerment Coach

"Patty is the real deal... You wanna work with somebody who really knows their stuffs and skillset but they back it up with the support that they have to, should you ever need it.

I can't say enough about Prolific Cafe, and Patty, and her team.I know that you will love it too!"

Dr. Christine Kaczmar, The Digestion Doc, Founder of SmartDigestion

"I knew that Patty is a messaging ninja so I was so excited working with her...

One of the thing that I love the most about working with Patty is that shes's full of great ideas and will push you when you need to be push but also listens and take into your account any of your concerns to..."

Rachelle Holowko, Surface pattern designer, Artist and Coach from patterndesign

"I've worked with a lot of people...

Patty is the real deal... she gets in my head of what I want to do for my business and helps to make it happen...

I cannot recommend her enough!"

Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo,

America's Most Requested Celebrity Psychologist

"Patty has totally changed my perspective. She will get you in your lane and help you perfectly position your business.

And in these tough times, she will help you pivot. Whatever Patty is offering make a run for it...

Dr. Jeri Anderson, Author, CEO

The Whiplash Doctor

"She has been that missing ingredient... Patty does it so magical. She walks you through step by step...

Patty has been there to guide me through that, and I'm so grateful....

Oh my gosh, you need Patty..."

Val Hemminger, Top Divorce Lawyer and Mentor

"She's amazing... brilliant, creative and innovative and she's very agile in a changing market so she can certainly move and pivot your business where profitability is something that's very consistent.

I love that about Patty...

She works 100% from the heart..."

Dr. Darci Stotts, Co-Founder of

"I was floored with my work with her because it like totally took me up to a whole different level of positioning... 

She's the real deal. Patty really is educated in the field of business marketing... She really understands the psychology of how to go about branding and positioning...  I am a 100% recommending her. "

Raeeka Yaghmai, Dating and Relationship Coach

"I reached out to Patty six weeks ago. We started working on a plan to host my first international event!

Patty thank you for making my dreams come always have the strategy to help get me there..."

Sonia Rodriguez, Master Coach for Beauty Professionals & Sales Expert

"She helped me come up with such amazing strategies with so much ease that it made my life like a 100% easy and I can't say enough about what working with her. Its an investment that's going to pay off.

So I highly, highly recommend working with her."

Padma Ali, Energy Alignment Coach

"It has been life changing working with you... I have more control over my time, I am more focused.

Patty is a dynamite in the industry. She's your friend, ally, and mentor..."

Yelena Kalendareva, Founder

"Simple modules that Patty's sharing with us and so easy to follow and put it in a practice which I never experience in other online courses.

Patty's super supportive and energizing to get going and what I love love love members energy support with each other.

I really appreciate Patty's leadership, her intelligence and all the guidance. I would love you to join so that we get to expand together."

Miyako Hazama,
Menopause Energy Expert

"I love the Calls and I love that Patty is so generous with her time...

Online library of resources is absolutely fantastic, it's just like a treasure trove of everything that you need for your online business! If you ae looking for a super supportive community and all those business details that you need...

I look forward seeing you there!"

Helen Iwata,
The Less Effort More Impact Coach

"Patty is by far one of the most incredible human beings I have ever had the pleasure to connect with in business and on a personal level.

When Patty started assisting me with my personal brand she truly brought out my vision in so many ways with her creativity and innovative style.

She works with heart and integrity and I am blessed to still continue my journey with her. I highly recommend this woman, she can literally do anything!"

Tara Romano, Founder of Tone & Tease

"I started an awesome new project. Patty helped me with targeted traffic. In two weeks, I had a 1,300% return on my project.Because of
I have a successful Salsa Bootcamp…”

Laura Flores, Owner, MMA

"As a copywriter, I understand the importance of positioning… it really is one of the fundamentals that people overlook.

I highly recommend you take Patty’s course, she is an expert. She makes it easy to understand."

Ali Edgar, Founder,

"What I was missing was this foundational work… how do I present myself and my business that is different from everyone else. Now I’m presenting myself in such a unique way…

I’m attracting the clients I want to attract"

Deni Mariscal, CEO,

Here's what you get when you join:

Internal Positioning

Overcome Overthinking and Embrace Confidence with the 21-Day "Meet My Higher Self" Challenge: Ever wished you could just flip a switch and turn off that constant overthinking? Or maybe you've been grappling with imposter syndrome, wondering when you'll finally feel like you belong. In this transformative 21-day challenge, you'll engage in daily activities designed to put an end to self-doubt, boost your confidence, and help you connect with your higher self.

The Money Exercise - A Pathway to Abundance: What if the only thing standing between you and your prosperity was your own mindset? With our Money Exercise, we'll help you break down the barriers that have been holding you back from truly embracing abundance. You'll learn how to recognize and eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors and beliefs, opening yourself up to receive the wealth you deserve.

External Positioning

Unleash Your Profit Potential with External Positioning: Get ready to dive into a goldmine of wisdom and strategy as you explore the 'External Positioning' portion of our course. Imagine unearthing your unique superpower, your secret sauce that separates you from the crowd. You'll uncover your profitable niche and polish an elevator pitch so compelling, it'll make ears perk up and heads turn. Connect purposefully with your ideal target audience, with the right message and compelling offers.

Pricing and Profits: From discovering your big idea, mastering market research (the easy way, promise!), creating irresistible offers, designing a product suite, to nailing down pricing essentials – we've got you covered.


Ignite Your Success with Activation:

Ready to put the pedal to the metal? In the 'Activation' leg of our course, you'll learn to ride the wave of ever-evolving marketing trends. This isn't about chasing every shiny new trend, it's about discerning the gold from the glitter.

The Sales Conversation Map: Do the words "sales conversation" make you feel like you've swallowed a lemon? That's about to change. Picture yourself engaging in smooth, natural sales chats that feel more like heart-to-heart conversations. That's what our 'Sales Conversation Map' is all about. It's your guide to selling with sincerity, so you can ditch the 'yuck' factor and feel good about selling.

Plus... Supporting Tools

**PLUS the Tools-You-Need: Remember the countless nights spent figuring things out from scratch? Kiss them goodbye. With 'Category of One,' you gain access to a treasure trove of swipe files, templates, guides, cheat sheets, journal prompts, audios, and video lessons. Picture yourself breezing through these resources, each meticulously crafted to make your journey easy and enjoyable. It's like I've done the heavy lifting for you, leaving you free to focus on what you love - growing your business. No more guesswork, no more reinventing the wheel, just straightforward, easy-to-follow tools that make achieving your goals feel like a walk in the park.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the "Category of One" Course all about?

The "Category of One" course is designed to help service-based entrepreneurs (coaches, consultants, service providers) carve out your own unique space in the market. You'll learn how to differentiate yourself from the competition, attract your ideal clients, and position yourself as the go-to expert in your niche.

Who is this course designed for?

This course is perfect for service-based entrepreneurs, small business owners, and professionals who are not at a consistent six-figure income. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, this course can help you create a unique brand identity that sets you apart from your competition.

What is covered in "Internal Positioning" section exactly?

One of the most important aspects of entrepreneurship is your personal growth, maybe it's woo but your mindset matters above all else, especially if you are in business for yourself.

The "Category of One" Course includes the "Meet My Higher Self" Challenge to help you recognize what it means to shed limiting beliefs and work from your higher self. It is highly encouraged that you start here so that you are bringing your best self to this journey.

What is covered in the "External Positioning" section exactly?

The Positioning section of the course will help you find your niche,  work on your "super power", easily craft your elevator pitch and more... This section is focused on optimizing your Message, Your Market and Your Offers.

The goal is to position yourself online as an authority in your space so you can remarkably stand out from the crowd.

With the right message to the right market, your Premium Prospects will be twitching with 'buy now' anticipation. 

What is covered in the Activation section exactly?

One thing is for sure, marketing is always changing, so stay up to date with the latest in proven strategies so that you can make the most of your sales & marketing efforts. You'll have access to the Strategic Partner System course; You'll also discover foundational setup for the most active social media channels such as: TikTok, Instagram, FB Groups and Podcasting.

How is the course delivered?

The course is delivered entirely online through a mix of video lessons, worksheets, and interactive exercises. You'll also have access to a private online community where you can connect with other course participants.

How long does it take to complete the course?

The course is self-paced, so you can go through the materials at your own speed. Most participants complete the course in about six to eight weeks, spending a few hours per week on the lessons and exercises.

The most important point here is that you go through the content--- stop --- and APPLY what you've learned. People who have taken this approach: consistent action over time have had the best results. You can do it!

What kind of support can I expect during the course?

You'll have access to comment section within each of the modules. We also have an active FB Group where you can add your questions and you'll receive support. For tech questions, you can always reach out to our support: [email protected]

And, separately, you have access to join monthly Q&A / "Ask Me Anything" calls with Patty Dominguez. This is optional and available within the portal.

What happens after I complete the course?

After completing the course, you'll have lifetime access to all the course materials, including any updates or additions. You'll also have the opportunity to join our alumni network, where you can continue learning and networking with other professionals.

What happens if I'm not happy with the course?

We're confident that you'll find tremendous value in the "Category of One" course. However, if you're not satisfied with the course for any reason, we offer a full money-back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchase.

How much is "Category of One" Course?

The investment for the "Category of One" Course is only $99 to get started and then an additional $99 for 11 months (billed every 30 days from date of purchase).

If you'd like to save $198, the pay in full investment is $999.

We offer a 100% ROI guarantee. If we don't deliver what's been mentioned, we don't deserve your money. Simple as that.

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